Friday, October 12, 2007

Need a break

Well I just finished a 4 day week and I am so tired with still a ton of grading and lesson planning to do. On top of this, first quarter grades are due Tuesday, just a couple days from now. Oh I almost forgot, I made my girlfriend cry last night when we were out and supposed to having a good time. Looking back on the incident I can understand how she was upset but I had know idea at the time. There was no intended malice. After she told me that I was her first love, a subject that she enjoys talking about I told her that I love her also but I didn't include the first or only part. She told me that I don't need to respond with an unparallel comment. It only points out the difference between the two statements, something which she feels should have been avoided. Not realizing what she was talking about I had told her that shortly after that I loved her or something similar to illustrate that she would mirror my statement. Knowing that she would I then told that she didn't need to always respond in the like. (I am not going to read over this so it may be confusing as hell.) Frustrated with me she tried to hold back tears that eventually came. Very little conversation was made the rest of the time we were at the bar and none from the time we left to the time we went to sleep. By the way, this never happens. The not talking. I admit that sometimes I give her trouble. This time I may not have been sensitive to her feels and pointing out the fact, indirectly, that she was not my first love was totally unnecessary. I screw up again. Now I have to tell her this, right. I know the right guy would buy the flows and appologize but part of me is hesitent.

Monday, September 3, 2007

My Hopes - for this blog

As a teacher I preach the benefits of writing all the time. Hopefully this blog will provide an opportunity for me to practice a little bit of what I preach. There are many things that I would like to accomplish through writing on a regular basis. Often I struggle to express myself succinctly and sometimes I think that may because I don't know how I feel or I haven't forced myself to think about a particular topic. So one of my goals is to explore how I feel and think about a variety of subjects. I'm tired of saying the same thing about certain topics. I don't necessary want to change my views, not that I am opposed to change, but I want to explore my reasoning for what I do, feel, and think. Forcing myself to put these "ideas" into words will greatly increase my tangible knowledge.
Another goal for this blog is to provide myself with a reflective journal. This could benefit my teaching, emotional growth, and general philosophies on life. Being able to look back on feelings can provide wonderful opportunities to learn from the past and adapt for the future. Based on this idea I image my topics will range from professional, family, girlfriend, friends, hatreds (I mean dislikes), loves, future, perceptions, & everything under the sun.
I am excited to see where this takes me or if it will take me anywhere. It is up to me. Hopefully this won't be one of the things that I say I like to do but don't do.